Meet the team

  • Forrest is the CEO and founder of Sketchy Conditions. He leads development, and mostly manages the business things.

    Forrest is a programmer and has been a programmer since he was a teenager. He's worked on several big games prior to founding Sketchy Conditions and has made allot of expertise in the industry. He likes working on tools and new and experimental features for his projects. He also enjoys short walks to the office, and drinking various liquids.

  • Digits is the director of development. He leads direction and anything to do with art.

    Digits is passionate about crafting. Starting with visual arts, progressing through music and animation, even delving into the worlds of fabrication and metallurgy, writing, psychology and beyond; but it was not enough.. a hunger for more complexity, more depth, more art - game development. The savior of a starving soul, lusting to create worlds and stories for all to enjoy. He hasn't looked back since, only forward, to a future of amazing games and technologies.

About us

 Sketchy Conditions LLC is a privately owned and operated video game development company.

The trend in gaming of leaving the older hardware in the dust leaves many customers forced to spend unprecedented amounts of money to upgrade. We focus on producing games that can run for people who rely on older, or lower end hardware. Our goal isn’t to get you to give “big GPU” your money, it’s to get you games you can play today.

If you'd like updates on our progress, or even just feel like talking to a human, try joining our discord or if you're more of a personal type try contacting us through our our team email.

We are completely self funded, and all our products are built in house. We have use in house game engine, sprite editor, and open source software where possible to keep costs down. Even still, running a business isn’t free. We both maintain fulltime jobs in order to stay afloat, but will continue to work on games because games are our passion.

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